Hey girls of LesPlanet, our beloved Lindsay Lohan surprise us again, this time with an interview with the magazine Harper's Bazaar where she talks about his challenges, her past, her family and not as ... love ...
Then he put a summary of what we have found most interesting in the interview she has granted.
After close to five months in rehab in 2007, Lindsay, 22, is embracing maturity and recognizing she must take responsibility for her actions. "I was going to clubs all the time, and it was not okay. I was so alone. It made me not focus on what I was doing," she says now.
Of her stay for two years at Chateau Marmont, she observes, "I was living here [at the Chateau] for almost two years. Who blows that much money on a hotel?" She waves her arm around and says, "I could have bought a house!"
But Lindsay admits candidly, "I did it to myself, and I have to deal with the consequences. I'm thankful for what I can take out of it. Now I feel clear. That's my past, and I'm a different person now. I have goals and I'm working to achieve them. I'm not hanging out with people who are out every night getting fucked up.
"And," she adds sheepishly with a smile, "I think that I'm happy."
She refuses to name DJ Samantha Ronson, known for her boyish attire, skinny jeans, and porkpie hat, as the object of her affection, though she has alluded to their relationship on her MySpace blog.
"I feel like it jinxes it," Lindsay says cryptically
. "It's hard. The second I start talking about whomever I'm seeing, a month or two later it's failed." The two have been inseparable for months. They have been photographed together on countless occasions: at Ronson's sister's fashion show in New York; cavorting in bikinis on the beach in Los Cabos, Mexico; at Lindsay's prom-themed 22nd-birthday party this past summer.
"I think it's pretty obvious who I'm seeing," Lindsay admits after much, much prodding.
"I think it's no shock to anyone that it's been going on for quite some time. ... She's a wonderful person and I love her very much."
To the question
Has she previously been with a girl? She laughs and says,
Lilo: "I don't know. Maybe."
Has she ever been embarrassed about being attracted to a woman?
Lilo: "No"
Would she classify herself as bisexual?
Lilo: "Maybe. Yeah."
Lilo: "No"
"I don't want to classify myself. First of all, you never know what's going to happen — tomorrow, in a month, a year from now, five years from now. I appreciate people, and it doesn't matter who they are, and I feel blessed to be able to feel comfortable enough with myself that I can say that." She sees herself getting married "eventually," but whether to a man or a woman, "I don't know."
Her family — save for her father, Michael, who has publicly railed against Ronson — has been especially supportive.
"It's never really come up as an issue," says Lindsay.
"We're close; we've been through a lot. They're supportive of me whether I'm with a guy or a girl. They're just supportive of me as a person."
When her 14-year-old sister, Ali, visited her on the set of Ugly Betty, on which Lindsay had a guest role this fall, she asked if her big sister was dating Ronson. Lindsay recalls, "Ali's known Samantha for a really long time. And she's like, 'Whatever it is, I support you. I probably won't ever do what it is you're doing, but I'm happy for you.' Ali's very mature.
"I've told her that it's okay to like a boy or a girl if you're comfortable with it and it's something you believe you want to do. And I told her not to be afraid of who she wants to be."
As for her father's behavior,
"I would love to say it's surprising, but it's not. It doesn't bother me as much as embarrass and hurt me. And put a knife in my back," though Lindsay insists,
"He's not a bad guy. He's just making bad choices."
Lindsay also recently completed her first film in more than a year, Labor Pains, a comedy in which she stars as a secretary who fakes a pregnancy to hold on to her job.
The film made Lindsay think about having her own kids, though that's probably something far in the future. "I don't know if I could really set a time because then it's like pressure to do it and failure if I don't," she explains. "It shouldn't be about that. It should be about knowing that you're ready."
Besides, she adds, "I still need to be in charge of taking care of myself and getting my shit in line and buying a house."
And working on convincing Hollywood she's gainfully employable again. Lindsay realizes it's not an easy road, "but I know people wouldn't have gone to see my movies if I didn't make them laugh or make them cry. I think it's a matter of finding the right thing.
"That's what this business is" she continues, that's what she is. "It builds you up to take you down and then sees how far you can come back. "I don't really worry, though. I'm a fighter," Lindsay says, "I'm up for a challenge, and I won't settle."
Well girls like you see, it seems that Lindsay is maturing and has things a little more clear and incidentally also makes clear to us all of us, do you believe? anyway from what may LesPlanet wish her well.
Fuente: Harpersbazaar
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