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Saturday, August 16, 2008

UH HUH HER... "Not a Love Song "

Hello dear inhabitants of the planet behind the rainbow, their story that has premiered the new video Uh Huh Her, I am sure that all know Uh Huh Her, the group formed by our beloved Leisha Hailey and Camila Grey (story here). This electro-pop duo have released the video of the first single from his new album called Common Reaction, this video will premiere on MTV this week.It is the video for the song "Not a Love Song".The premiere coincided with...

Friday, August 15, 2008

The truth of Lesbian Sex...

Hi girls, let's put an item that we found very interesting written by Dr. Jay Asher Degree in Psychotherapy, in talks to us about the famous Lesbian Bed Death, and teaches us some guidelines to avoid such a loss of passion that comes with age.Suzanne Lasenza, Ph.D. and sex therapist, says "If you ask lesbians believe that is the number one problem of couples with a long life, they will tell you" lesbian bed death "(blackout in bed). And it is not...

Hi Lesplanet's girls, we bring you a new episode of sugar rush, we are nearing the end of the first season.Today we will see the number 9 chapters of this entertaining series, in which we can see:Kim has tried to do the best, but it is difficult. Especially when your mother is a whore who just returned home because they had no place to go. She meets another girl named Beth, with whom things seem to flow and go well. Finally Kim received a call from...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hello LesPlanet's girls, today, as every Thursday, we brings a chapter of Pepa and Silvia, as they anticipate last week, becoming the most interesting history.Do not miss this chapter, therefore seeing things that have not been seen before ... besides that girls get a little clothes ...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The smile today...

Hello girls, today and Wednesday and in the middle of the week, which will bring better than a video that yours laughing a while ...It is a video of Cameron Diaz and Christina Applegate, I strongly recommend the watching it, because it is very fun...

Hi girls, again we bring you a new episode of season 1 L Word, this time we will see the number 9 episode of this fantastic series.I wish you enjoy ...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hi dear inhabitans of Lesplanet, I bring news of the sixth season of The L Word, according to the report Cassie this new season having a baby, if you like what they read One of the characters will have a baby, and this is totally CONFIRMS and OFFICIAL . (See in the video as the maternal spirit is spreading to the production of L word)Those who believe they will be pregnant? That is the question of a million. I personally believe that the most likely...

Monday, August 11, 2008

In Spain support us ...

Hi LesPlanet's girls, it appears that Spanish society according to a survey by Sigma Dos for newspaper "El Mundo", accepts and supports the rights of mostly we enjoy at present gays and lesbians in Spain following the adoption in the law of 2005 of homosexual marriage.More than half of Spaniards have no doubt that gays and lesbians must have identical rights to those enjoyed by heterosexual citizens to adopt children.Specifically, 55% of the total...

Hi girls, begins a new week, for which was working because patience is already one day less for the weekend and for which was holiday, enjoy it very much.Here you bring the episode number 8 of the replacement we are doing the first season of L Word.I hope you enjoy it...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Trip to home ...

Hi girls here I bring a erotic storie at the end of the weekend we come back with renewed forces to work ...I liked these trips by bus, at least one Friday per month returned to my charming village where I hoped my family. Spent two years working in Madrid and every time we returned to my hometown I felt happy. Whenever I was listening to the music and managed to get a window seat in the last row of the bus.That trip was by my side to a woman about...