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Saturday, October 11, 2008


Marina is a lesbian. She always has been, since teenager, that was one of the things I had always clear in life. A woman of 35 years, with very long legs and well-turned, wide hips, nice ass, small waist, bust medium. Her face is deceptive ... can demonstrate a seriousness and toughness that her carrier shows to the world ... as can be softened and become sweeter in the face of the world if something or someone touches.On the phone out of her thoughts...

Hi dear friends and readers of LesPlanet, we bring you a new episode of Grey's Anatomy, the episode 5 x 03 entitled "Here comes the Flood"We are going to make a short summary of the episode ...A break in the pipes causing flooding and cause havoc in Seattle Grace ... ... while the Chief convened a meeting in the hall and tries to explain how to carry out the new policies of education in hospital... ... and George tries to make back its review of...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Knowing more to ... Kate Moennig part 2

Hi dear inhabitants of LesPlanet, continuing with Kate Moenning, we bring them here the second part of the curiosities of our beloved and phrases that Shane will allow us to know things about her, about her life and way of thinking that will surprise us.Kate before to being a model and actress, started from any downstream neighbor's son worked at a pizza parlor and a grocery store when she was a teenager.When Kate was child, was not the typical girl...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Come back South of Nowhere....

Hey girls, as I imagine you know the majority and if they do not know what we say here, the series South of Nowhere is about to return to our screens to show at last the final part of the third season (called 3rd Season B) which unfortunately also is the latest in the series.Tomorrow 10th at 21:00 pm will be the long-awaited debut in USA and the spoilers we've seen is going to be very interesting.Apparently we will have more drama (yes, much more...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pleasure Toy...?

Hi dear inhabitants of LesPlanet do you remember that Michelle Rodriguez that girl who became angry when Kristanna Loken (the nac and sexy Paige L word) pulled out of the closet when they were brides.It seems that now is careful not to appear to both his alleged heterosexuality, after spending the weekend with a "friend". (I remember when I called too well) The Mayfair Hotel and Spa in Coconut Grove, Fla., will strengthen the soundless of doors and...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hi girls, we already have a date to be glued to the television waiting to see our beloved Bette, Tina, Alice, Shane, Helena, Kit and up ... Jenny and the rest.It will be on Sunday January 18 2009, aim this important date as it is will be the shortest season of all with 8 episodes and as we know it will be at la..la..las...last season :(:(:( But remain on line with a OurChart Spin Off starring Alice character played by Leisha Hailey, and, if lucky,...

Hi dear friends of LesPlanet, has already completed the 5th season of Los hombres de Paco (The Paco's men) and our girls have been laid off until January when it began broadcasting the 6th season that seems to be something more than promises role for our beloved couple, and of course what will see here in LesPlanet.Today I put the penultimate episode of season 5, entitled "You were dead ...?", We hope you enjoy it. If you liked this post and want...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Knowing more to ... Kate Moenning part 1

Hey guys, this time we will know something more about the beloved, admired and loved by many of you SHANE McCutcheon ... (Kate Moenning).Katherine Moennig Sian was born on December 29, 1977 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvaia (USA). Mary Zahn is the daughter of a former Broadway dancer and the manufacturer of violins William Moennig, brother of actress Blythe Danner. It is also the niece of actress Blythe Danner, actor Harry and Daner of the producer Bruce...