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Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Reunited...

Hello friends and readers of LesPlanet, you put a story to hot the night of Saturday, we hope you enjoy it...Soledad was setting tip feet to see the people who arrived flight from Miami. After 15 years without being, I had serious doubts about whether she could recognize her friend Lena ... yet despite the abundant correspondence in those years, exchanging e-mails, photos, letters, packages did not want to spend ... by the shame that Lena went to...

Hi dear inhabitans of LesPlanet because of the homophobic censorship of the television channel ABC, Erica Hahn to the character interpreted by the brilliant actress Brooke Smith, this Thursday the love story of our beloved couple CALLICA, has come to an end.Then I bring the chapter where they will be together one last time to Dra. Erica Hahn, and the Dra. Callie Torres and I see it after I have nothing further to say that ... CALLICA did not deserve...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Responses to the Prop 8

Hi girls, with the impact that this week has caused the terrible news of the passage of Prop 8 in California, many celebrities have already given their opinion:Our Ellen DeGeneres issued a statement on the morning after the election and said: “Watching the returns on election night was an amazing experience. Barack Obama is our new president. Change is here. I, like millions of Americans, felt like we had taken a giant step towards equality. We were...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Patrick Dempsey said that Brooke was too ... Orgasmic

Hi, dear inhabitans we have more news on the cancellation of the homophobic character of Brooke Smith, ABC has not released many arguments to convince anyone to justify the dismissal of Brooke, there is no chemistry between the actors, that Brooke does not fit the role , and even has come to say that Brooke is not sufficiently attractive to interpret the character of a lesbian ( Whattt ? this is one of the most preposterous things I've heard so far),...

Still Fighting ...

Hi girls as previously expected protests against this unjust decision which unfortunately has taken the majority of Californians, has begun ... people has been expressed in California from Wednesday to continue fighting for the equality of our rights, from West Hollywood to City Hall in San Francisco. We will continue the fight ...Los Angeles - West Hollywood San Francisco- City HallThere is no doubt that we belong to a wonderful community, fighter,...

Paris 2008 Convention

Hi dear inhabitans, our girls are still walking in L word conventions, as I said already about that of England, but this past weekend while some were in events in the U.S.A, the others were in Europe, most notably in France, Paris This weekend was held Queer As Folk / L Word Paris Convention Oct. 2008, is an event in which invite actors and actresses from these TV series.Last year 'was in Germany and this year it was the turn of France, the entrances...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Triumphs hatred in California ...

Hi, dear friends and readers, it seems that this is not a good week for us, the inhabitants of our beloved planet behind the rainbow, at this time, and have absolutely all the votes counted in the State of California and the result is as follows : Yes wins with 52% with 5,163,908 votes against 48% No, 4,760,336 votesTo tell them that I have a huge mix of feelings, I feel indignation, impotent, anger, sadness and disappointment. I can not seem to...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Goodbye Callica ... you never forget

Hi, dear inhabitans, today I feel, disgusted, outraged and do not finish believe the news that I'm going to give, I regret with all the pain in my heart that there will be no more CALLICA on TV, the ABC Network executives have decided to end this couple so dear to us. Dr. Erica Hann, no more work in the Seattle Gray's Hospital, the last we'll see, in the chapter on Thursday : (The company ABC has dismissed the actress Brooke Smith and eliminated...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Women's Event 11...

Hi friends and readers of LesPlanet, as we commented in a post earlier this weekend has been held fund-raising annual Women's Event 11 at Chelsea Piers, which this year has honored Ilene Chaiken, writer, creator and producer Executive Series L Word (as all we know ...), Stephanie Gibbons, executive vice president of Marketing and On-Air Promotions, FX, and finally to Lisa Sherman, executive vice president and general manager of Logo.Also attended...

Fan Fic Cápitulo 06 part 2 "Callica" by Lidia "MIFPandOrita"

Hi again ladies, here you get the second part of fan fiction that gave yesterday for the sixth episode of the fifth season of Grey's Anatomy written by our friend Lidia ...Erica remained calm and react "We are very well-Sloan" she said to finish the conversation with Mark but because he enjoyed the game continued. "But I've won Hahn, first realized what" it said with a smile, Erica was about to strike but knew that she could not do such a scene in front of everyone.Callie ran out, Mark realized and said "It appears that you do not like looking...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fan Fic Episode 06 "Callica" by Lidia "MIFPandOrita"

Hey girls, we put the fan so today from 6 episode Callica of this 5th season, writes our friend Lidia.This time we have two parties, this is the first ... tomorrow will publish the second part of this fan fiction ... We hope you enjoy ...Opens her locker at the hospital and was found inside a white rose in her face is drawn a beautiful smile, take the flower, smells and places a light kiss on some of the petals, putting it back into her locker.Goes looking for her haste, she knows who was left there, this so happy, never had felt that way before....