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Saturday, November 15, 2008

UH HUH HER ... The Sunday in MTV LOGO

Hi dear friends, Leisha Hailey and Camila Gray of Uh Huh Her were these weeks in the studios of MTV preparing the presentation of the group's logo NewNowNext Music show that tomorrow will be Sunday night, and sat down for a few minutes to talk about the band, their fans, visibility and lesbians in a conversation they had with the beautiful Sarah Warn of AfterEllen.com.Leisha Hailey = LHCamila Grey = CGCG - "Thanks for all your support."LH - "Yeah,...

Sweden go to equality

Hi, dear inhabitans of our wonderful planet, while continuing the fight that exists at the moment in several states of North America, due to the rejection of gay marriage, ironically across the world has taken a big step in that same case, it makes us see a light at the end of the road to equality.Sweden, one of the most liberal countries in the world, will approve gay marriage in 2009, but not only civil marriage, but also the religious marriage....

Friday, November 14, 2008


Hi, dear inhabitans of Lesplanet, today we'll talk about sex, that several days ago that we do not do it and I have received emails with some doubts and questions, talk about sex or fast as they say QUICKIE when one considers whether or not sex? and what to whom and who goes down over whether there is any difference, then try to answer these questions in my opinion.QUICKIETo see this is a quick description of sex (in Spain is called Quiqui or Kiki)...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The map of intolerance

Hi dear inhabitans of LesPlanet, according to the World Values Survey is viewable on a map, homophobia distributed by the countries of the world.Both regions of high risk for homosexuals as a country of freedom and respect, the figures one can conclude that homophobia is a social problem and tolerance as an indicator of civility, education and development. A further development, the less homophobia.Countries with greater economic development is...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hi dear inhabitants of our planet behind the colorful rainbow, starting in the next week we will have here in LesPlanet "Hospital Central".The veteran series Hospital Central, now in its 15th season and issued by the channel Tele5, is a sort of Spanish version of the popular U.S. series ER, focusing on the lives of a group of doctors at a hospital in Madrid and it appears the love story between Maca and Esther, history, it has stolen the hearts...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

No Prop 8

Hi, dear inhabitans, this past weekend, Drew Barrymore hit the streets with other demonstrators to protest on Prop. 8 and where people asked him to speak and she told an excited crowd as she exhausted "This is so wrong," "I will fight with you!" .In the protest had 15,000 people who went to Silver Lake and West Hollywood gone in about 8 ½ hours later.I am encouraged to know that we are not alone in our fight ... Thanks DrewIf you liked this post...

Nicole Kidman and Charlize Theron... are married?

Hi dear people, tell them that have come together to make a movie of independent film that was entitled "The Danish Girl" based on the novel of the same name by David Ebershoff, two big actresses and Oscar's winners Charlize Theron and Nicole Kidman ... Apparently Charlize Theron and Nicole Kidman interpreted into a marriage, at first heterosexual, it is a true story that happened in the 20s.Greta and Einar Wegener was marriage a famous Danish of...

Night of Celebration for Power Up

Sunday night was celebrate in Los Angeles, the eighth annual gala Power Up, is an organization whose mission is to promote the visibility and integration of lesbian women in the entertainment industry, the arts, and all forms of the media.Gives helps and subsidies for the production of films for the LGBT community. Where he attended many important and famous women in the world of entertainment. The event was hosted by comedian Bridget McManus and...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Lindsay Lohan was confesses ...

Hey girls of LesPlanet, our beloved Lindsay Lohan surprise us again, this time with an interview with the magazine Harper's Bazaar where she talks about his challenges, her past, her family and not as ... love ... Then he put a summary of what we have found most interesting in the interview she has granted.After close to five months in rehab in 2007, Lindsay, 22, is embracing maturity and recognizing she must take responsibility for her actions....

The New Prom ... The L Word

Hi dear inhabitans of our wonderful planet behind the rainbow, I bring the New Promo just draw people from Showtime for the sixth season of our favorite series The L Word, she can see the looks that will take our girls and the main characters that appear in it. Among the news that have been confirmed for this season as Rose Troche, to be given more importance to the transition of the character of Max, and we will have an adoption, they want to approach the issue of adoption and their difficulties, Who will take? Tina and Bette? Shane? .....Among...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

LesPlanet's News...

Hi dear friends, we have included in the blog, on the right side of it, an option for all who want to appear as followers of LesPlanet and know more ...On the right side as we said, you will find this text: Inhabitans of LesPlanet (0)Follow this blogBe the first to follow this blogWe have in mind to open a chat as we discussed and we want to know how many supporters would agree to open a channel to be able to communicate among all. I look forward to receiving your subscriptions, thereby you indicate me that you are in line with opening a new channel...

The tears of Jennifer Beals...

Hi dear people, here they left the video that I wanted to share with all, on the Women's 11 Event, not only because it's an actress that I love and adore, but because in this difficult time is going on the community, and words reactions of people as being heterosexual, comfort and you start to believe that there is some light at the end of the tunnel, Jennifer since she started with her character of Bette Porter has come closer and has better understood the reality we live our community, are totally involved in causes to help the LGBT community,...