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Saturday, October 18, 2008

The new surprise to Grey's anatomy...

Hello dear friends and readers of LesPlanet, as you know a few days ago tell us that Melissa George was going to come into Gray's Anatomy as a new doctor and also internal bisexual. It turns out that this girl will appear as a new character on the day on November 6, will not be a total unknown for at least one of the girls from Seattle Grace Hospital. And here is where comes the surprise, this girl has had a relationship with one of our stars and...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hi LesPlanet's girls, because this week I've been quite busy I could not put the second part of episode 10 "Operation: Kaiser" Part 2, but it is here, I hope you enjoy it ...If you liked this post and want to collaborate with LesPlanet do click here ...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The painting of Leisha

Hi dear inhabitns of LesPlanet, tell them that another of our favorite actresses working for a good cause.Leisha Hailey has joined the Campaign for Human Rights po Equality. Taking advantage of the moments of rest of the shooting of the last season of The L Word in Vancouver this fall, a fact box for a power auctions on eBay.The 100% of the revenue from this painting will go to benefit Human Rights.The Human Rights Committee asked volunteers to...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hi dear friends of Lesplanet, I bring here the first part of the latest chapter in the history of Pepa and Silvia, of this season (5th).In this chapter we call it "Operation: Kaiser", and is the last of the season is longer, that's why we will have 3 parts, placed each day until Thursday, beginning today.The 6th season will return in January 2009 and of course that will put here for all, I know that is to miss our PEPSI but things will get here (videos,...

To the teacher with love ...

Hi girls, today I want to tell a story that has made me think, and makes me think that in future it is possible to create a tolerant society and respects with the homosexuals. Not have people who insult you or you look bad because of the hand with your partner who is of the same sex as you. That may no longer be necessary to hide in closet to protect you from the others that you judge and discriminate against you because now I think it is possible...

Monday, October 13, 2008

The L Word... of Queen Latifah

Hi girls today I want to tell us about L Word, but not our favorite series of another L Word. the L Word from Queen Latifah, or the L word, your last name starts with L, like the word lesbian or that love, so you've thought about the possibility of naming her next album along with our famous series The L Word, not to say that Queen Latifah has come out of the closet (not badly designed, which is full of coincidences life). On the contrary, she keeps...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Vote NO on Prop 8

Hi girls, today we are going to discuss the proposition 8 that despite the fact that many of us who do not live in USA affects us in an indirect way, as it is a struggle for the rights of our community, this proposition is quite insulting and certainly goes against the rights of many gays and lesbians . The purpose of Proposition 8 is to redefine the constitution of California to eliminate the basic human rights of same-sex couples. They deny responsibility,...