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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hi dear people, after the departure of Brooke Smith of the series Grey's Anatomy, and none Callica, I thought of not putting more videos of the series without Erica Hahn, as it rotates the couple no more movies to watch.But I will put another one, which deals indirectly with Callica, because Callie is the reaction to her departure from the hospital, as is the sharp end and explodes and breaks to mourn because they know that Erica will not return.So...

Friday, November 21, 2008

LesMovies: "I Can not Think Straight."

Hey guys, this Friday we have movie, debuts in USA Today, the film "I Can not Think Straight."The great writer and director Shamim Sarif from the movie "The World Unseen" (The hidden world of which we speak and in another post, brings us this time, a movie that we should not miss is "I Can not Think Straight" is a funny romantic comedy about the collision of two worlds and cultures of the Tala (Lisa Ray), a young Jordanian who lives in London and...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jenny and Shane ??

Hi dear inhabitans of LesPlanet, as it shows that it is the sixth season of L Word, is the last, because the people of Showtime, is being careful in drawing material advancement of our beloved series, last week they got the first promotional video, where we could see our girls very sexy with its new look's.And now I bring the first promotional poster for the sixth season of what we can get several things:- That is pretty Bette .... as always ......

Seattle Gray's Hospital without staff

Hi girls, be seen that lately Gray's Anatomy, only gives us bad news, the latest is that Janina Gavankar has left the series. If Papi does not want ladies to be more in the Seattle Grey.It's installment is undoubtedly unexplainable where the problems with those responsible for the series was never completed, we now have this sudden resignation, the second so far this year to Grey's Anatomy.A few weeks ago we learned about the forced departure of...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A little gift ....

Hi dear inhabitans, today I bring a little gift because they I imagine that I miss at least Pepa and Silvia, and also makes them eternal waiting until January to see them in the new season, to make it more pleasant waiting here have left an interview with Marian Aguilera (Silvia), very interesting .... (especially the last part) :) Laura also put our Pepa, do not worry. I hope to enjoy and do not forget to close your mouth when you are watching ....

A lesson of tolerance ...

Hi dear inhabitans of our colorful planet, I will share with you something that touched me, yesterday Ellen Degeneres Show invited her to Emily Bear, is a child prodigy is 7 years old, who plays the piano since age 3 and also composes music.The little Emily brought a gift for Ellen, .... a present wonderful .... he had composed a song.The song was called "Once Upon A Wish" and had done for the wedding of Ellen, and Ellen asked him because it was...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bitch Slap ...

Hi girls, today we have news of a film, if we meet: Boobs! Nuns! Guns! and Sisters! Xena and Gabriel! and lesbian kisses! We Bitch Slap.A film by Rick Jacobson and Eric Gruendemann where do homage to the typical TV series B muesra we all topics of this kind of genre film (blood, voluptuous girls, violence, sex, bad and very bad psychopaths etc).In the trailer we see a mixture of Spin City, and Pussycat! Kill! Kil!, Bill and Kit, with three players:...

Chile chose to miss lesbian visibility

The major cities of South America are celebrating their Pride marches, with the proper time.In Santiago, the Chilean capital, Over 20 thousand people gathered Saturday in the Paseo Bulnes in the framework of the Gay Parade Chile, Open Mind Fest. 2008, making it the largest event organized by the LGTB community in Chile. The march, which lasted 9 hours.Dozens of artists and 32 dj s distributed in three stages gave the party a colorful electronic anti-discrimination,...

Monday, November 17, 2008

I’m proud to be gay ...

Hi dear inhabitans, tell them that the actress and comedian Wanda Sykes acknowledged in our community for his tireless support, has publicly come out of the closet during a protest rally in Las Vegas against Prop. 8, she went and talked to people about the ban on gay marriage in California: "After that Barack Obama was elected, I thought, how well we are moving in the right direction. And then at 11 hours, I was crushed. We took a huge leap forward...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Same Rights for all

Hi girls, last Saturday, thousands of people, gay and straight alike, took to the streets in the United States in Canada, Australia and Europe.And they did so to protest the victory of absurd Prop 8 ask for equal rights for all citizens without discrimination because of their sexual orientation.Cities like New York, Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis, Los Angeles Pasadena, Irvine, Costa Mesa, Long Beach or San Francisco were the scene of these concentrations...