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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ladies confirmed ... We Have Shenny !!!!

Hi dear inhabitants of LesPlanet.I told you in a previous post that all we would see of Shenny, would be a simple kiss. But no, this is not true.After Jenny confesses her love to Shane, they kiss and sleep together the night! For you ladies ... There is Shenny sex, and the next morning (at the beginning of the episode 6x03) they wake up in bed and are interrupted by Alice, who at the news gets a WHATTTTT ??????? face. As you know, Alice can not resist the temptation of blab with such news and with an excuse of going to the bathroom, was locked...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Shenny's moment .... Episode 6x02

Hey girls LesPlanet, I've been researching a lot to try to get out of the doubt on whether true or not JENNNY dies?And it seems my theory that the sixth season begins Ilene by the end, and that through the episodes tells us everything that has happened up to that time, is gaining a lot of strength.We already know that Jenny dies of truth, it is not a dream or anything like that, it is almost certain to commit suicide and not kill anybody, and now...

What happens with Max?

Hello people of our beloved planet of the rainbow, I bring more news on the sixth season of The L Word.Before you know who is going to die in season, all we think it would be Max, remember?Then they tell ladies that we were very very wrong, Max far from dying, give life .... Our beloved Moira / Max, is a season look like the wolf man, discovers she is pregnant by Tom (if the interpreter Jodie).It is not known safe sex these two ?????.In one scene...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The episode 5x12 to 6x01

Hi girls, I have come back with more news from The L Word, apparently the theory that the death of Jenny is the end of everything (even though it happens at the beginning of the episode 6x01), and I do not sound so crazy ... and count them because ...Because after he allegedly Jenny dies, the episode continuous in time to where we left off at the end of the season 5.We got Tina and Bette, returning to his home after the celebration of the end of filming "Lez Girls", apparently find that the little Angelica is with fever and lead to the doctor,...

We already know ... who is the last breath

Hi dear inhabitants of LesPlanet, as always, I say, and is not a cliché here you can find all the news and scoops on everything that interests us .... those who follow the blog know this and that is why uncovered the question that everyone is on our favorite series ...After all the controversy that has been generated with the sixth season of our series The L Word, and the murder of one of our favorites and that another would go to jail, etc ...In...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lohan and Ronson Kissing...

Hi dear people, tell them "Lohan-Ronson" the saga continues, Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson were at a party where Sam had to work, and they behaved as what they are ... a couple who want to be very united, kissing, playing and funniest,(so sweet) as they do not ever facing a camera, but ..... They did not know that YES had a camera records, a security camera in the room where the recorded without them would realize. Here they left her video and...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sergeant Lucy Lawless ....

Hi girls, remember that I told them that our beloved Xena would be in this season of The L Word, because ... we know that character interpret.It will be the sergeant who investigated the crime .... (and the consequent leading to Alice to jail). This pretty much as we can see, and we do not know if it will have an affair with one ... but we find out:)Here they leave that part of the scene where we see the Sergeant Lawless arrived on the scene of the crime.If they like the blog, people register as official ... in the right column :)If you liked this...

The L Word ... the first scenes and news

Hi dear inhabitans of LesPlanet, I bring more news of our favorite series The L Word, the production of the series has released the first photos of the first chapters of our sixth season.Click any and all to enlarge....These photos are of chapter 601, (Mom Chaiken directing the early scenes).We found all our girls on the planet, as we see it is served by Helena, all taking a very quiet tea waiting to see who is going to die, until it reaches Shane...