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Friday, December 26, 2008

Veronika decides to die...

Hi girls, after these days of holidays today I bring you good news that at least for me is interesting.Some of us know Paulo Coelho, the Brazilian great novelist (which I love), it appears that one of her novels (the first that I readed ...) entitled Veronika decides to die ... has been adapted to film this and our beloved starring Sarah Michelle Gellar (better known as Buffy Vampire Slayer ...).The plot of this movie is the story of Veronika, a woman of apparent success that if hidden inside a large depression in which it decides to die, this...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Christmas festivities that beautiful ...

Hi dear friends of LesPlanet all know that Christmas festivities are for the vast majority of people in the world happier times, family and memorable year. But for some people is a time of tension and to test family ties.What about those who besides Lesbian coming out has to come to her house between colored lights and cousins, aunts and nephews prepared to ask questions and look to face strange?If I decide that it is better to keep quiet and let...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Inhabitant.... Who out the closet?

Hey guys, then I have a story, but it is a very strong rumor because it has not yet been able to clear as to who it is.Lesbian say that a very famous and that is within the closet, is thinking of kicking the door and exit. This person is an actress, with many jobs in their curriculum, and now a root of her impending divorce, is planning to come out and declare openly gay.The story is as follows, sometimes the actresses lesbians marry someone of the...

L Word... What is your suspect in the murder of Jenny?

Hi dear people of our planet behind the colorful rainbow, as we know now, the question of the Sixth Season of The L Word is: Who killed Jenny Schecter? ...To address this sordid "Clue" Lesbian, analyzed the facts and to evaluate the possible suspects and motives that may have had to kill our loved / hated ... Jenny Schecter.Now, I will be the Sergeant LesP:) and together will help Xena ... forgiveness to the sergeant in command Nora Beth Duffy ....(...

Monday, December 22, 2008


Hi dear friends and readers of LesPlanet, today I bring you the first episode of L Word Sixth season ...As you are reading our dear friend Saab has risen before its premiere in January and here you get it so you can enjoy it ...As you know we still to be anything that appeared on our beloved series L Wo...