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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Jennifer in Los Angeles Film Festival...

Jennifer attended the Los Angeles Film Festival "The Spirit of Independence and Awards" this week, as always wore very elegant and sexy.Los Angeles Film Festival is an annual event that shows independent films, documentaries and short films and music videos.It is held annually beginning in late June in Westwood Village, California, the Los Angeles Film Festival features the best of americas and international cinema, in the course of ten days.Taking...

Science and Spirituality....

Hi girls, this time we will put an article in Science, we have received a suggestion of an anonymous reader of LesPlanet on a video of Dr. Jill Bolter Taylor, a brilliant scientific Harvard specializing in the study area of the brain, also a writer of the book "My Stroke of Insight." Dr. Taylor tells his experience in the video to suffer a stroke and massive power from within and scientific study, to realize what was happening to him, the sensations and the connection between parts of the brain, we talk about feelings energy and peace ... This...

Friday, July 4, 2008

The L Word, South of Nowhere, Work Out and Loving Annabelle - together on set

Hi dear girls LesPlanet we bring you news on the release of season 5 L Word on DVD and extra carry. Season 5 of our favorite series L Word include this time in addition to all chapters and extras that normally came as the other seasons bringing a period of three minutes for PSA Point Foundation, an organization that provides scholarships for students who LGBT have experienced in real life a tragedy or financial difficulties because they are gay or...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tasha celebrating Gay Pride in San Francisco

Hello dear people of this wonderful planet behind the rainbow, remember that told them that Rose was going to celebrate Gay Pride in San Francisco this past Friday, because here I am a video summary of the party on Friday in the nightclub Lollipop SFAs summer was an unforgettable celebration, but you deem them.Fuente: UrbanEll...

The Smily today .... Give it 2 me

Girls learn today with a video of Ellen to generate the basic steps to break the dance floors with the second single from Madonna's album entitled "Give it 2 me."Ellen has proposed spreading throughout USA in the footsteps of the choreography of this single (of course at her style...), also because we will also have been mounted by both stir a photo Miley Cirus "Hanna Montana" in towel.Actually you can not miss this video because no wastage. Ellen you are really good ...

Everybody's looking at me...

Hello girls LesPlanet at this time we put some music on our blog, the composition that today we are going is a song of Gloria Trevi Mexican singer and titled "Todos me miran." (Everybody's looking at me)This composition is put today because it represents very well the meaning of the celebrations these days around the world "Day of Pride" and we believe it reflects very well the situations many of us live, the show of shame as we are, rejection Our dear people, the trial of people who believe be better than all of us.And I wonder where I Did all...


Dear inhabitants of Lesplanet we hold our beloved Lindsay Lohan has attained 22 years. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILO.Linday Lohan has been called by Ryan Seacrest on his radio show this morning after his 22 birthday, Lindsay revealed in the interview that it has found another meaning to their lives.When asked about plans for the future, Lohan said that the most important thing is "a happy life, one year and be healthy with the person who is interested." (not...

Mrs. Portia Degeneres

Hi girls, we are here again, to tell you more news about the couple Degeneres-de Rossi.Pretty, future wife Ellen, Portia De Rossi has announced that it will change its name by DeGeneres when she marries, as permitted by U.S. law.To begin Portia is not his real name she was called Amanda Lee Rogers, but legally changed his name to Portia De Rossi 15 years, so this will be her second name change legal. What is not clear is if we combine with the degeneration...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kate Moening in Japan

Hello girls, I want to tell them that this weekend our beloved Kate Moennig, popularly known as Shane on our planet was in Japan to promote the DVD sales in the third season of The L Word.This has been possible thanks to the success that had the earlier visit to Japan by Jennifer Beals (if they want to read the article by clicking here) when he went to promote the start of the first season of L Word on DVDKate, who as well as around the globe is...

sugar rush episode 5 My life sucks

Hello all, today we publish the episode 5 of the first season of this entertaining series that becomes ever more interesting and much more will be to advance the chapters that I assure ... should not lose. Here is a brief summary of the chapter today.Kim feels trapped in his feelings. His parents Stella and Nathan have been separated, the father of Kim discovered the infidelity of Stella's father Kim gone a Stella of the house and this very depressed at the same time as both Nathan Stella put Kim in the middle of their disputes, using it as a messenger....

Exes & Ohs chapter 5 “Pole Dancing and Other Forms of Therapy”

In this chapter we will see how the ongoing relationship with Jennifer Laurel, besides See also the evolution of documentary and Jen must give realism they need without being boring. Crunch discovers his first fan, who thinks it's gay and asks council to Crunch and Krises's are deciding whether the donor for their baby must be known or not, meanwhile Sam continues with its conquests although the latter seems not will be so easy. And we have a new...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lilo and Sam no longer want to hide more ...

Hi inhabitants of Lesplanet here's another chapter of our soap opera Lilo-Ronson, this time it seems that our two protagonists Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson were passing some time together (not that rare?) .During a break in the set the next film Lilo, "labors Pain" where he sees Samantha so much taking advantage of every moment that is free their beloved Lilo.But this time it seems that no longer wanted to hide anything, say anything about their...

GAY PRIDE 2008 around the world

HI to all inhabitants of our wonderful planet behind the rainbow, the celebration of Gay Pride around the world, does not end in some countries still does not start and others already completed, from all over the world will have to see pictures as has been concluded this world this holiday 2008. If one wants to share some photos or videos of their links to Gay Pride in his country or as celebrarón, can send the information to this contact address:...