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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pepa and Silvia Episode 2 Season 7 " That's wrong to drink..."

Hi dear friends and readers of LesPlanet, I bring the episode of this week of Pepa and Silvia, as I told them in the summary that will be an episode moved and very bad for our PEPSI.As I always say that alcohol is bad !!!!!!!!!!!!! , Jajajaja, and in this episode we have test of that. So bear that name.Confusion, that you told me that and I don't remember I told you, and now as out of this mess, and things like that, mixed feelings, misunderstanding,...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pepa & Silvia ... The summary of the episode this week

Hi dear people of this planet, our wonderful and colorful rainbow behind, today, as every Wednesday (Tuesday morning) I bring you a summary of the chapter on Tuesday about our beloved Silvia Pepa.This time the chapter has been around a bit, with a result to deny disastrous.Well, we go to the police station in San Antonio, and Silvia found a very happy, smiling and radiant, one could say, going to meet a Pepa, who arrived at the police station completely...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Big Questions of The L Word...

Hi dear people, I tell you that Showtime has left see another spoiler of our favorite series The L Word and I were brought you here to enjoy it..There are many questions in the air, Bette and Tina continue together (with the bitch Berckley loitering around?). I hope no one else but Bette according jajajaja comments and I hope to continue together.Alice and Tasha will finish their relationship or save it. I do not have as clear is that they are very different, if they conform to one another and are accepted as you can to succeed.Shane will remain...