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Friday, December 12, 2008

Confirmed ... Carmen de la Pica Morales is Coming Back

Hi, dear friends and inhabitans our wonderful planet of the rainbow, I bring you some news that have been revealed by Mom Chaiken in an interview with the Go magazine, in which he spoke about plans for the future and tells us about some characters, the criticism that she has received and more things and above all confirms an appearance on Sixth Season is that all hope. Six years ago, seven fictitious strangers walked into our lesbian lives and turned...

The effect Berkley in Tibette ...

Hi dear friends, today we are going to see the famous meeting that took our favorite couple Tibette, with the unbearable .... Kelly Wentworth (the Berkley), the assumption that every element we fear may disrupt the happiness that now have our girls.This character was created by Mom Chaiken, for the only purpose of testing a Tibette, (more specifically my Bette), adding a large dose of drama for our favorite couple is in last season. As you can see...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mothers for two... a new model of family

Hi dear friends, I wanted to share with you an interview conducted by Aldo Fernandez Turitich in Ag magazine, a pair of lesbian mothers, the birth mother Rome Triana and her partner, they are part of a family Homoparental of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and have published a book called "Mothers by two."In this era where the number of families homoparentales, is increasing, we must realize the importance of this type of family in society, the influence...

Another bisexual character in Beverly Hills...

Hi, dear inhabitans, tell them that, after more than 15 years have been issued for the first time the series remember that all (or at least those that pass the age of 25) "Beverly Hills 90210" in which there were the young Shannen Doherty, Tori Spelling, Luke Perry, Jennie Garth and Jason Priestley, among others now in 2008 has become a remake of the series. "90210" (the remake), which is broadcast on TV, The CW in USA., became last September in...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Shenny Summary .... in Season 6

Hi dear friends and readers of LesPlanet, again we bring you another one of the most uproar stories that are rising for the sixth season of L Word, today we will talk SHENNY...Many others will be against and in favor of this "strange" relationship (to say something ...) which have started these two girls, just after the cheat of Shane with Nikky at her best friend at that time .. . The truth is that if I was happened it ... What would be the latest...

Ellen and Britney in "Little house on the prarie"...

Hi dear people, tell them that our beloved Ellen Degeneres is planning one of theirs ... Ellen will pass the weekend with Britney Spears and make a report for its program.Our favorite presenter said she wanted to spend a whole weekend with Britney to learn more about her life and we learned that they are also preparing something fun to present at the show. We already know we like Ellen and has been seen with Britney dressed in period costumes, big...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The L Word .... Dylena summary in season 6

Hi dear people of this wonderful planet LesPlanet, so much joy (and misfortune of others) are still here, ready and well-loaded with batteries to give them the best and most important news of the sixth and final season of our favorite series The L Word.It's time we talk about DYLENA, this is a couple that has gone through many obstacles, and by a long separation because as Dylan recalls, first ... pretended to be in love with Helena (on the advice...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sadie just wants to have fun...

Hi dear friends and readers of LesPlanet, I wanted to tell something new has happened in Grey's Anatomy, as I said in previous post that they are not going to the executives of ABC, trying to confuse us, the screenwriter of Grey's Anatomy you should be paying overtime by the constant changes in the script of the series.I tell all this because now it turns out that in last Thursday's episode, we find a flirtation that more obvious (shameless ... I would say) between the new internal Sadie, (Grey's friend, which seems to have had something else or...


Hi friends and residents of LesPlanet, I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your messages and comments of support, it really is very comforting to know that there are ... and it is very important for me the love and support they are always showing me.They make everything I do .... worthwhile. :)Therefore I thank them deeply and I want to tell you try not to disappoint them by offering always the best and most interesting for...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

No Prop 8 ... "The Musical"

Hey guys, you story has been in a Hollywood musical in favor of gay marriage in California.Many Hollywood stars have joined together to perform "Prop 8. The Musical," which is a musical against homophobic and absurd Proposal 8.Marc Shaiman the renowned producer of musicals like Hairspray, (and gay activist) has teamed up with Adam Shenkman (the director of Hairspray the movie) to create a music video in protest against Prop. 8, participating in the video as many famous stars, the comedian Jack Black makes Jesus Christ, Neil Patrick Harris, Allison...


Hello dear friends and readers of LesPlanet, today I can tell you that I have had a great displeasure and I feel very bad about it.Today I have reached some messages insulting and calling around for some videos downloaded from a girl who has her mind on YouTube (but not download from there but from another site called Daily Motion, where there was no warning not to post) in this account makes it seem that you can not refuel or link these videos, as I have just learned, the case is that the lower order subtitled into Spanish and posted on the blog...