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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Phases of development lesbian

Source: Lesbians are from another planet Speaking on stage by passing a lesbian in life.Level 10 "stark reality": one day you lift and you realize that you're lesbian. You may have had an erotic dream - you have happy holiday. It may simply be a mystical revelation. Or you can until you're the "ovaries" from "autodeceive." The fact is that for the first time you say to yourself: "I am a lesbian." Congratulations, welcome to chaos. The degree of suffering: 7Level 20 "what is beautiful love": is when you realize that you are heterosexual love with...


Source: caught out of hand 1 .- What we have not yet known to man "with a pair ..", or the male Iberian able to return to all women crazy. 2 .- That we are unable to feel some Frigo orgasms.3 .- That certainly had some traumatic experience (rape, abuse, etc.). In our childhood or adolescence with a man. 4 .- That was our image paternal disastrous or not we had no father and this resulted in us a desire to "be men of the house." 5 .- What we are ugly, fat, even with some Machorro moustache ... we are unable to accept our femininity. 6 .- who hate...

The gay marriage is legal in California (May 15, 2008)

The California Supreme Court overturned a law that prevented the marriage of homosexual couples, which he described as unconstitutional. The highest court of that state of the United States found that "the right to establish a family relationship" applies to all Californians regardless of their sexual orientation.With a vote of 4 to 3, a panel of seven judges ruled that the status of "domestic union" gives certain rights to gays. However, failure...


The first chapter begins with the arrival of Kim who have recently moved along with his family to the city of Brighton. The first chapter introduces us to an adolescent teenager (Kim), which begins to be attracted to his new best friend: Sugar, a girl "bad", wild, sexy, exciting and apparently heterosexual. Sugar has put Kim's world upside down.Kim is tired of having to see Sugar dating guys in front of their noses, so we decided to try the boys as well, and knows that the decorator contract his mother a boy atletico handsome, and decides to ask...


There Must Be Rules The episode began in a gym where we find Jennifer and Sam, this tells that has been lying with a girl who had a piercing in "that place".span>They leave the sauna when crossed with another girl and Sam (which is a sort of more female Shane) looks above, below, and Jennifer tells "I do not tell you have sex with it? And Sam tells him that clear if that according to the rules lesbian when you finish with your partner by 4 time...


If we talk about series with lesbian themes we have to go back UP ufff those who opened step by including in their stories lesbian characters passengers, such as Buffy Vampire Slayer, with the characters of Willow and Tara (great partner), I still remember the joy that I Willlow see when he changed sidewalk and formed a great partnership with Tara, and could see it on TV (woowww). Also when Xena the warrior princess was very affectionate with his...


L WORLD'S GIRLSJENNIFER BEALS is the sexy, incredible, sophisticated, beautiful, I said sexy? SEXY, Bette Porter. Bette is a strong woman, lover of art, she likes always had control(more than anything else in the first two seasons), then much has softened his character and is now (in this fifth season) is so sweet.Tina has the perfect match, wore boards at the start of the series 8 years, are made for one another, kindred spirits, with their problems...


THE L WORD MOMAll that we know L Word we must know Ilene Chaiken, she is the creative and producing executive and often scriptwriter of the series. Before the great success of L WORD, Chaiken was known in the world of the cinema and the television, she wrote the script of Barb Wire and of the movies for television as Dirty Pictures and Damaged Care. Also she was a coordinating producer of Fresh Prince of Bel Air. The Ilene's first step was to speak...


L Word no doubt is the most representative series of television of the lesbian world, to obtained to break wrong stereotypes that the society had with regard to our community and to be able to show with total naturalness the life, problems, doubts, dreads, rejections, loves and dislikes of a group of lesbian women who live in L.A.L Word with his 5 seasons, and to the wait of 6 and last : (, diffusion of the series has turned into a world phenomenon...