The campaign "Vote No on Prop 8" inciting to address this initiative and to vote NO on Proposition 8 this November 4.
The constitution of the United States also protects the rights of all human beings living in USA. Proposition 8 is against this fundamental rule, and distinguishes only a group of gay and lesbian people-to unequal treatment under the law of the United States.
As religious freedom or freedom of expression, the right to marry is a fundamental right in our society. Marriage allows couples to legalize their commitment and allows them to take responsibility on each other.
It is important that this proposal does not succeed to protect the right of marriage. It is important to protect the equality, freedom and justice for all.
Many celebrities have donated money to the campaign of NO at this proposition, among them that this Brad Pitt donate to 100.00 dollars to the cause.
Another of them is Steven Spielberg, who along with his wife, Kate Capshaw, others have donated 100.00 dollars in support of the cause.
More and more voices being raised against Proposition 8 that aims to eliminate gay marriage in the referendum to be held in California on November 4, the money raised is being used in sensitizing people about the equality of homosexuals and the marriage between them.
For companies like Google, or Levi's, and directors and actors such as Brad Pitt, Ellen Degeneres and Steven Spielberg have been a powerful united voice. The New York Times, one of the largest newspapers in the United States, said to be against Proposition 8 through an editorial.
Here you can see the video where a voice-over belies all the lies that are spreading about the consequences of legalizing gay marriage. Among the scenarios that are mentioned include the future inclusion of gay studies in schools, or changing the tax laws relating to the churches.
In one of them (so you can see below) Two women are seeing photographs of a wedding, one of the photographs displayed a lesbian couple at the wedding. and other supports that do not know how to feel about the subject, to which the first replied: "Nothing happens if you do not know how you feel, but do you want to remove rights and have laws that treat people differently?" . To which the answer is obviously "No".
In an interview with Ellen Degeneres on the "Tonight Show" talking about this Prop 8, you put the video of it.
Since LesPlanet you give our full support NO to this proposal and all people who are against Proposition 8 and entitled to vote in the U.S. go to the polls on 04 November and that its voice is heard loud. The result will be that all of California gays and lesbians can marry the person they love and have the same rights as anyone else of a different religion, color or sexuality.
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