Hi dear people of Lesplanet, I bring the second part of our knowing more incredible Jennifer Beals as I promised you know a little more than their views, comments and strange things from their life.
• Despite our Jenny was in an advanced stage, her pregnancy was not used as an argument during the 3 rd season. But if we notice that she was pregnant in the first episode of the Third Season.

• Jennifer does not want to disclose the names of their dogs because it treats them as part of his family, so it's a matter of privacy. It is said that one of them is called Cerberus (In Greek mythology, beast that kept the entrance to Hades).

• Jennifer would love Bette to have a lesbian flirting with Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Vampire Slayer) in the series "The L Word", which has said Ilene Chaiken and what to try again.

• The spokesman Gellar replied "She has felt flatteried", who would not? Jennifer Beals is an icon.
• His Exmar, the independent filmmaker Alexandre Rockwell, conducted in four movies: "Sons" (1989), "In the Soup" (1992), "Tour Rooms" (1995) and "13 Moons" (2002) that was made after they divorce.
• It had a girl on October 8, 2005 with her husband Ken Dixon. Coincidentally she was pregnant at the same time as your partner in "The L Word", Tina, was also pregnant.
• She rejected the opportunity to make herself "It's Like, You Know…" (1999)
• Both Jennifer as his character in "The L Word" Bette Porter had studied at Yale and are daughters of African American father and Caucasian mother.
• It was the original choice for the lead role in "Pretty in Pink" but the role eventually went to Molly Ringwald.
• Jennifer has its own list on iTunes, is only in the USA list within the lists of celebrities.
• In 1996, Jennifer presented a tribute to poet Pablo Neruda, on the occasion of the film "Il Postino".
• Jennifer has her own blog in Ourchart.com where she has published photos que ha ido drawing in filming of "The L Word".

All previous photos were taken by the very Jennifer Beals
Jennifer has admitted that she married Kelly Lynch, if you excitable people of the same sex, but would have no desire for intimate with Angelina Jolie, saying she would be the last person to think that nobody should marry.

• Jennifer rejected the continuation of Flashdance because the artistic credibility is more important to her that the money, making its agents "crazed".
• As amateur photographer, won a bright line with the party anniversary of the co-actress, writer and director Jennifer Jason Leigh, who made that Beals take all the photos that were presented in the film - Beals is very concerned with image and - representation. With his role in "The L Word" she hoped to give the gay community images of themselves that have been extremely rare.

"It's perfect. I still ride a subway and work with important people. I do not imagine being Julia Roberts. I do not have the fortitude to withstand this kind of attention. " Replying to People Magazine when asked for his stay in Hollywood today.
• "I was always impressed that gay marriage is like a big deal. We must realize how precious human life is, when there are tsunamis and landslides, where there are weapons and terrorists - at any time, can be passed, and Potentially the most brutal. And then you have to give yourself mind that love is truly one of the most extraordinary things you can experience in your life. envy someone his love for another person on grounds of gender is absolutely absurd. This based on fear, fear of others, fear of what is not like you. But when you're able to see their lives every day, instead of reducing it to politics, then it humanizes a whole community of people who are otherwise invisible " .

• Had it not been for Jennifer Beals, who plays Bette Porter in "The L Word" would not have been Biracial. Beals persuaded the producer Ilene Chaiken to make Bette biracial, "so that I can serve all these people who are like I was and never have been represented except perhaps in an ad for Benetton." The Power Up in November 2004.
Despite the fact that there is no shortage in the nude "The L Word" Jennifer is not one of the actresses who were totally naked. "You do not see anything about my" said the Yale graduate. Beals made it clear that Showtime did not want to do nude scenes unless she saw good reason for it, believing that "a well-placed hand, suggests much more."
Well girls, the next delivery learn more about Jennifer Beals will be the third and last, I hope you like these articles, every week we will learn more about each of the L Word actresses.
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