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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We can continue to be lesbians ...

Hi girls, as I told them at the beginning of June several inhabitants of Lesbos island in Greece, had asked that women not called homosexuals lesbians because they believed that the term was an insult to the islanders.

Now, an Athens court has ruled, and has obviously decided to reject treaty banning the use of the word lesbian when referring to homosexual women.

The judgement of the court in Athens ruled that the term "lesbian" does not define the identity of the inhabitants of the island, so the word can still be used by women homosexuals around the world. And demantes, besides having lost the trial, they have to pay 230 Euros for a fee.

Whom are you doing these things happening .... are people who do not have anything else to do and become bored, because if not I will not explain how she came to do these things.

Well think that the world would be less fun without these absurd and crazy things that happen to people, but I say ..... and if hypothetically we could not define ourselves as lesbians? what word use you to define our homosexuality? ... I can think of no one..

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