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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good Bye 2008...

Hi dear friends, today is the last day of the year 2008, which has been at least one year with many ups and downs for me, I have a recount of some things that have happened.This year, apart from one of the worst news was that was won the YES of Prop 8 in California, producing and one of the largest discrimination against the LGBT community in recent times and a right already obtained wrest us as was to be married to the person we love, for the simple...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The big news from Alice...

Hi dear people of our LesPlanet, today I bring a very funny video.Many and different reactions have been from all of us, when we knowed is that in Sixth and final Season of The L Word .... Shane and Jenny are a couple (for a short time but we are).For someone it seems wrong, because they have nothing in common, other thinks good to them, because they wanted their friendship will end in love, another seems genuine madness, others believe they are tender, in conclusion... there are many views on the matter and very very different.But you have wondered...

Pepa and Silvia Come back....

Hi dear people of our color and wonderful planet behind the rainbow, now I bring you a preview of our new season is also expected in The Paco's Men (Los Hombres de Paco).We stayed with our dear Pepa and Silvia, being accepted and she's surprised by Don Lorenzo, also witnessed a wedding, a lot of action and our PEPSI catching Kaiser, wrapped Sara saw blood in the end, fearing for her death.Now back with more action and romance, the first change is...

Friday, December 26, 2008

Veronika decides to die...

Hi girls, after these days of holidays today I bring you good news that at least for me is interesting.Some of us know Paulo Coelho, the Brazilian great novelist (which I love), it appears that one of her novels (the first that I readed ...) entitled Veronika decides to die ... has been adapted to film this and our beloved starring Sarah Michelle Gellar (better known as Buffy Vampire Slayer ...).The plot of this movie is the story of Veronika, a woman of apparent success that if hidden inside a large depression in which it decides to die, this...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Christmas festivities that beautiful ...

Hi dear friends of LesPlanet all know that Christmas festivities are for the vast majority of people in the world happier times, family and memorable year. But for some people is a time of tension and to test family ties.What about those who besides Lesbian coming out has to come to her house between colored lights and cousins, aunts and nephews prepared to ask questions and look to face strange?If I decide that it is better to keep quiet and let...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Inhabitant.... Who out the closet?

Hey guys, then I have a story, but it is a very strong rumor because it has not yet been able to clear as to who it is.Lesbian say that a very famous and that is within the closet, is thinking of kicking the door and exit. This person is an actress, with many jobs in their curriculum, and now a root of her impending divorce, is planning to come out and declare openly gay.The story is as follows, sometimes the actresses lesbians marry someone of the...

L Word... What is your suspect in the murder of Jenny?

Hi dear people of our planet behind the colorful rainbow, as we know now, the question of the Sixth Season of The L Word is: Who killed Jenny Schecter? ...To address this sordid "Clue" Lesbian, analyzed the facts and to evaluate the possible suspects and motives that may have had to kill our loved / hated ... Jenny Schecter.Now, I will be the Sergeant LesP:) and together will help Xena ... forgiveness to the sergeant in command Nora Beth Duffy ....(...

Monday, December 22, 2008


Hi dear friends and readers of LesPlanet, today I bring you the first episode of L Word Sixth season ...As you are reading our dear friend Saab has risen before its premiere in January and here you get it so you can enjoy it ...As you know we still to be anything that appeared on our beloved series L Wo...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Who killed Jenny Schecter...?

Hi girs, today I bring you a new spoiler on Showtime on the sixth season of L Word, we can see to the girls talk about the death of Jenny Schecter.Anyone who has reason to kill Jenny? because practically all have reasons, all at a time or other have deeply hated and wanted to kill her ...But what there will be any finally done?, Think that any of our girls would you? All these questions will be answered in some form during the sixth season of L Word.It is clear that increasingly becomes more interesting this sixth season, also will see the girls...

Erotic Stories...

Well girls, today being the weekend and to relax and enjoy a bit of week of hard work, they get a story that both these erotic love jajaja. :)I hope you enjoy it. CoffeesShe had one of those discussions stronger with my partner, for the umpteenth time, and I left the department for not continue shouting mutually so that hurt me so much.It's very hard to accept when love dies, and she did not want to let go, but insisted give to me despite knowing...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Smile Today... Ellen and Britney

Hi dear friends, a few days ago I told them about our hilarious Ellen Degeneres, who was making her own with Britney Spears, for a special program, and that was disguised with old clothes and began to touch the doors of the house Los Angeles.Then here I bring the video is fun experience, so they can laugh a litt...

the new look of the girls in the sixth season of L Word...

Hi dear people of LesPlanet, a few days ago we put some official images of our girls in the Sixth Season of L word, we will now have each other and we can see that we will look at is your last ..... ... last ... (I still say it makes it hard (being in its last season). They look all in black, I imagine myself in the mourning of Jenny, and also another important detail, Jenny does not come out in the photos ..... Marketing? or save budget? .... we...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Confession

Hi, dear friends, along with news of Lesplanet, I bring a very funny video of the sixth season of our favorite series The L Word, is a typical case that insurance is more than one imagined that it could happen. In this video, we can see Phillyps confess to a secret very important to Bette. (I say no more because I prefer to see ... a lot of attention to the face of Bette from the first minute and 26 (1:26) jajaja)Girls enjoy it...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mothers no more than two ...

Hi dear friends, we have good news, it was about time, in Spain now we may be biological mother the two. (your and your partner, jejeje).It turns out that The National Commission on Assisted Reproduction has given its approval to the use of ova among lesbian marriages.So far, no can exchanged ovules between the couple because there was a loophole in the law on assisted reproduction from 2006. The committee met on Dec. 4 to decide on a particular...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dra. Hahn "No Hard Feelings"

Hi dear my friends have a news story of our beloved Brooke Smith better known as Dr. Erica Hahn. After her stupid and unjustifiable dismissal of the series and proving her class Brooke Smith has accepted things with a smile and tells us her opinion after nearly a month more for what happened "It's the end of a chapter," she said while speaking with the U.S. magazine last week. "It was a good experience," she adds. "She had already played a gay character,...

Gro Hammerseng ...is a beautiful Joan of Arc

Hi dear people of our wonderful planet, today I bring news of our beautiful Gro Hammerseng, one of the favorite athletes of our planet, has participated in a calendar.We can see it in a stunning picture, including with recreated battle, dressed in Joan of Arc. (Is, I can tell you that precious)"We wanted to show people a celebrity in a surprisingly different situation and weighing historical and cultural literary, with a touch of 'fairy,'" said the...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The New Baby ... Porter-Kennard.

Hi dear friends, I first want to tell you that I love to see that they are increasingly commented on this your blog, for that is :), thank you very much girls because their comments are very important to me.And that being said now turn to tell and clarify all these rumors are now circulating through there, on our favorite couple Tibette the alleged pregnancy of one of them.I have to say that neither are pregnant, what happens is that they have decided...

showtime... get out of the closet to you

Hi dear people, tell them that our favorite TV SHOWTIME is preparing a Reality Show called Way Out which will be to further the lives of gays and lesbians in the closet, to finish showing the reactions of their families and friends to learn that they are homosexuals.The intention of this Reality Show is to show the difficulties of leading a double life, so we can understand the reasons that people do not leave the closet and the complication of getting...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Confirmed ... Carmen de la Pica Morales is Coming Back

Hi, dear friends and inhabitans our wonderful planet of the rainbow, I bring you some news that have been revealed by Mom Chaiken in an interview with the Go magazine, in which he spoke about plans for the future and tells us about some characters, the criticism that she has received and more things and above all confirms an appearance on Sixth Season is that all hope. Six years ago, seven fictitious strangers walked into our lesbian lives and turned...

The effect Berkley in Tibette ...

Hi dear friends, today we are going to see the famous meeting that took our favorite couple Tibette, with the unbearable .... Kelly Wentworth (the Berkley), the assumption that every element we fear may disrupt the happiness that now have our girls.This character was created by Mom Chaiken, for the only purpose of testing a Tibette, (more specifically my Bette), adding a large dose of drama for our favorite couple is in last season. As you can see...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mothers for two... a new model of family

Hi dear friends, I wanted to share with you an interview conducted by Aldo Fernandez Turitich in Ag magazine, a pair of lesbian mothers, the birth mother Rome Triana and her partner, they are part of a family Homoparental of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and have published a book called "Mothers by two."In this era where the number of families homoparentales, is increasing, we must realize the importance of this type of family in society, the influence...